Monday, December 8, 2008

Time Flies Thats for Sure

Wow, its December and I am wondering where time went! My one friend and I made up (read previous post) and I am in school now and on the PC with chloe. I have mass next and tonight I work at pizza hut! Weds. I have a performance and it will b awsome. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


AUGHH! Have you ever just want to scream? I sure do. My idiot somewhat "friend", was all up in my face today. Ya see, my fellow bloggers, we used to have this webcast called bananas webcast. I say we used to cause' I was fired today. IDC really like at all, but what makes me REALLY mad is the fact that he won't tell me why. He just goes off into this smart ass little giggle and says "u know why!" AND i'm just like wtf! I don't get him sometimes.Luckily, my other friend Told me why. Apparently I said somethin "offending"...sounds pretty fake to me. James and I fight alot but I am just done.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chello theree!!!!!!!!!!!

Hellooo my fellow comrads, I am Lola, and I am like the coolest friendy you could have! This blog is all about me, and my life as a random person! I am super ooper random, and some people may think i have some kinda dissorder coz like i will be talking about a new story about rainbows one second then a ninja the next. I enjoy being random, because that means I can be what I want to be whenever I want. I can be a story teller one minute then some kinda 7 year old singing barbie songs the next with my bff (shiloh who also has a blogg!) You'll get to know me through this blogg soooo enjoy!